VARIOUS - Ai023CD_Sampler Zero Eight

VARIOUS - Ai023CD_Sampler Zero Eight (Ai) Comentários: This could be possibly the finest release to date on Ai in my opinion. From what I heard (which was most of it) it's a stunning collection of very deep, very lush techno, electro and electronica with some seriously good sounds going on. Cuts from Plant43, Sinner DC, Michael Manning, The Third Man, Datasette and Najem Sworb all give you a very strong sense of a label that's in its prime and comfortable with the sound they're producing. And at this price... well, you'd be nuts not to grab a copy! in smallfish [Para Ouvir/Samples]


Mundo Urbano said…
1.Najem Sworb - "Teranidian"
2.Plant43 - "Grey Sky Cracks"
3.The Third Man - "A14 (Eastbound)"
4.Plant43 - "Bristle White Trees"
5.The Third Man - "6 am On Leith Walk"
6.Datassette - "Damage Report"
7.Datassette - "Pluck"
8.Michael Manning - "Center Of The Universe"
9.Michael Manning - "Numb"
10.Sinner Dc - "Summer 57"
11.Michael Manning - "The Lost Aberrant Dragonfly"

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