PRINZHORN DANCE SCHOOL - Prinzhorn Dance School

PRINZHORN DANCE SCHOOL - Prinzhorn Dance School (DFA) Comentários: bit of an unusual signing to the DFA roster, Prinzhorn Dance School are the UK-based duo of Tobin Prinz and Suzi Horn, whose simplified drums and bass (plus a bit of guitar) combo should by rights be an utterly tedious format. All the songs tend to trundle in terms of pace and the arrangements are virtually indistinguishable from one another. Yet somehow it all sounds utterly engrossing: the duo fire off some great absurdist lyrical pearls, all delivered with a punchy cockney forcefulness, which although initially seems to be rather dry and shouty, soon becomes endearing. The influence of the likes of Captain Beefheart, The Fall and The Fire Engines is clearly evident, and some contemporary points of reference might be The Kills or The Young Knives, but there's something far more awkward, far more angular and unrelentingly uncompromising about Prinzhorn's material that makes it all the more compelling. Once again, you'd have to say this has a lot to do with those out-of-leftfield lyrics. The sheer directness of 'I Do Not Like Change' is something to be admired. As with so much of this album, it is in effect a boy-girl tag team bellowing uninflected nonsense statements in your face, none more powerful than the magnificent 'Crackerjack Docker' single, which despite its apparent monotone tunelessness will be lodged in your head for days after. in boomkat [Para Ouvir]

Prinzhorn Dance School

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Hug The DJ said…
Boa, boa, boa!
Adoro esta dupla!


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