Label Of The Week - Frustrated Funk Holland

"Mad drama from everyday life... "
A Frustrated Funk é uma subdivisão da holandesa Clone (Roterdão), celebra cinco anos de existência e já conta com 15 edições, o seu catálogo é especialmente orientado para o electro break beat, techno de detroit e downtempo. Os géneros mencionados anteriormente (especialmente o electro break beat) não têm merecido a atenção devida em Portugal, mas no entanto o número de apreciadores por cá têm vindo a aumentar nos últimos tempos, a F.Funk só edita a música que lhe apetece, e apesar de ser ou não fácil de se ouvir o certo é que tenta inovar, é disso que nós precisamos, de ouvir coisas novas e de expandir horizontes.

ERP - Vox Automaton (Frustrated Funk) Comentários: Gerard Hanson aka Convextion aka E.R.P. comes with one of his best records so far. A bit more electro influenced then his Down Low outings but similar to his earlier Frantic Flowers release (in sound and looks). E.R.P. stays true to his own sound and doesn't just copy his hero's..he is one of those rare talents that will be used as reference.. Highly recommended. in clone [Para Ouvir/Samples]

DER ZYKLUS - Mxyzptik (Frustrated Funk) Comentários: Heinrich Mueller (Dopplereffekt, Arpanet, Drexciya) with his best solo work after the legendary Dopplerfeffekt album. This is a re-release of 4 of our favorite Der Zyklus tracks which are allready out of print for some time now. 4 tracks taken from two 12''s previously released on a German label. This ep includes the amazing Drexciyan ''Mxyzptlk'', the ultra cool Kraftwerkesque ''Formenverwandler'' (Featured on Richie Hawtins DE9 album). This is what you would get when you put the best of Detroit techno/electro (UR- Drexciya) and German avantgarde electro (Kraftwerk) together in one studio. Masterpiece!!! in clone [Para Ouvir/Samples]

SILICON/PARTISAN MIDI/FIGURAS FRUSTRADAS/MARCO BERNARDI - We Bring More Drama (Frustrated Funk) Comentários: A limited edition follow up on the We Bring Mad Drama ep (Frustrated Funk 001). Including tracks by Detroits Silicon (Heath Brunner), Glasgows Marco Bernardi and Rotterdams Frustrated Figures. Great techno-ish electro tracks for the frustrated and the mental weak... (Limited smoked glass vinyl). in clone [Para Ouvir/Samples]


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